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  • I was asked “What artwork helped you discover hidden meanings in your life?”

    I don’t think there was any one creation or moment that helped me discover hidden meanings in my life. I have toured the art shows, museum’s, including the Louvre, and nothing ever reached out to me for a second look. It was more of a sequence of events that caused me to turn away from art. It was in this loss that I found out just how much I needed the outlet to create. I tried to feed this need by taking it out on flipping houses, interior design, manufacturing design and random corporate arts and crafts stuff and I knew I was just settling for moments. After almost 30 years, I turned back to getting my fingers in the oils and allowing my thoughts and visions loose onto canvases that I found me again and what makes me tick. Or so I thought. Truth be told that it was the Holy Spirit who I had invited into my heart that had something to say. Messages from God wanting my attention to share with me my path and my healings and then the paintings progressed to warnings, hopes, healings and blessings to others to get our eyes back on Jesus. But why me? In Ephesians 2: 10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. The Bible tells us that we are all born with distinct talents and gifts that set us apart from each other. When we discover these talents that God has given is and we are to use them to glorify Him. So I guess the discovery of the creator of all creation that has shown me just how I tick.🔥

  • What do you think of Leviticus 19:31? Should it be heeded today? Why or why not?

    As to the question of Leviticus 19:31 that says “‘Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God." I have seen spirits all of my life. There was an elderly man that "lived" in my childhood home. He was quiet and bothered no one. But he left a aura of depressing feelings.And all if a sudden we moved. My parents began having bible studies in our new home and we all became "born again Christians" and were filled with the Holy Ghost. And then my brother came home from VietNam, an addict, and brought an attached demon home with him. yep I saw it too. it was not benevolent or helpful or quiet. Just lije people there are all kinds that use whatever persona required for the "job". As I aged and began to lose person after person through tragedy after tragedy, I used to seek them out. I had questions. I was woefully unprepared for just how many people that I had lost that and I looked for help to cope in an area where there were few answers. Oh and what barrel of snakes this turned out to be! Many seemed incredibly intuitive and provided reasonable and realistic information. It had to be legit. Right?! And i was albeit a Christian, I was ignorant. Well up until one day when I was sitting in my chair watching a television medium. I had been getting thoughts that maybe this was a slippery slope prior to this and that I probably should not be busying myself with shows like this. I was just about to turn the channel when the Holy Spirit said "wait! watch." And what had seemed to be another inoccuous show suddenly became a lesson of lying, manipulative, ugly spirits of the evil one whispering half truths to the woefully duped customer. They were able to relay stories, events and a persona of the deceased. What I discerned was right there plain as a day was an earth bound spirit, a politically correct term for demon, who was whispering into the psychics thoughts these things that it had acquired knowledge of eavesdropping on this family over the years. It was not of God. It was not the deceased. It was a counterfeit and a thief. It was ugly. Ugly like a lie. The “comfort” it appeared to give was a roll of the dice towards a slippery slope away from Jesus. They shared imitated information gathered and learned from unencumbered eavesdropping on the deceased man as well as his family. It was all just a show! The Holy Spirit then pointedly asked me "why settle for lies and half truths when Jesus is the truth?" and "why go to the peons and not the Father in heaven?" So still heeded? even though times they are a changing, the more they change, the more they remain the same. So Yes. Or No. Just choose whom you will serve. Choices were as relevant then as they are today. For me? I have seen the lie. No fooling me anymore. i choose life in Jesus. PS..,And yes I do know where my family is at now. Waiting for me in heaven.

  • What do you think of James 3:18? What is meant by this?

    18 Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness. what goes around, comes around. If you give good, good will be returned to you. If not, duck!

  • What do you think is the best religion/philosophy to live by?

    The Holy Bible. To live my life with the peace and love of Jesus in my heart. Why? Because it grows and multiplies and spills out in every direction. At which point there is no room left for any condemnation to anyone anywhere at any time. But then I already do.

  • How did you come up with your most creative idea?

    I pray and meditate with my Father, the God of Abraham, the creator of all things and I paint what I am shown.

  • How do you know if you’ve been baptized by fire? What does it feel like?

    When the fire of the Holy Spirit gets in a person, that person’s life changes at that instance. And they are propelled constantly forward to things that are good and right. The call of things from the dark side lose their wooing strengths. As for the feeling…for me… when I pray in tongues, when I sing along to worship music, when I paint or when I blog what I have painted… I get a catch in my throat, tears well up in my eyes and the knowing of just how grateful I am that Jesus loves me envelopes all of me with hope. And other times I can sit quietly and just be. Which is what my ministry is about. Hope. That yes you were supposed to be born. That there is a reason you are here. You matter. You make a difference.

  • Three times the charm.

    Christians, what is the Holy Spirit trying you today as you read this question? Could you list three? That until then and while we are here… as John the Baptist baptized unto the forgiveness of sins, he also proclaimed that Jesus would come with a fire baptism that would be far more extensive and deep. “He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” Matthew 3:11 why? The Holy Spirit is the Comforter, the Teacher, the One True Helper who will always point you to Jesus. He will help you realize why you were born and what your mission of love is. 1) You are supposed to be here. It’s not by chance, coincidence or mistake. By design. 2) My mission while I am here…I am grateful to be able to help others realize that we all have a reason to be here and are part of God’s village and I consider it a tremendous honor to help others see how much they are wanted and needed. 3)John 13:34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”

  • Legacies.

    More from my path... Living up to our legacies. There was my mom. Born to save the world. Born to share the love of Jesus with everyone. Born for greatness and to make a difference for many. Her prayers reached the ears of God and made a difference. An extraordinary woman living an extraordinary life always on the go to meet the needs of others. A seer. A prophet. She knew my day by looking at my face. There was my maternal gram... born to be content. Singing singing singing always singing worship songs. Her simple demeanor brought over so many people who went away knowing they had been seen and heard. An extraordinary woman living an ordinary life. A seer. A healer. She knew my voice and I was heard. There was my paternal gram... born to nurture. Through hugs, rocking, stories, interacting, cooking, baking, singing spiritual songs. She waited to share everything she had. Not a seer. Not a prophet. A woman of love living a life of waiting on. The very embodiment of the love of Jesus. She knew me. There is me... this mom. Born to observe. Born to capture glimpses as a seer and an artist. A unique woman living an out-of-the-ordinary life. Born to emulate that which I knew to those I have been given to care for. My children. My hearts truest desire was made real in my son and my daughter and to theirs. I know their faces. I know their voices. I know their scent. I know their hearts. And they are mine❤️

  • How can art wash the dust off everyday life from your soul?

    t wash the dust of everyday life your soul? That it cannot. There is only one way to cleanse your soul and this is not it. However! What it can do is cause your soul to come forth and cause your will back into alignment on its path. With what? Pictures, sculpture, music. How? By evoking memories, hopes, dreams, mantles, desires and so on of why you are here. Why you were born. Why here. Why now. The tip-of-the-tongue thing gets an aha! moment. This pushes you into looking at the bigger picture of your purpose away from the decaying tunnel vision of “everyday life” and KNOW you were designed to be your very self by God Himself. Some of my paintings are but a really nice picture to some (shameless plug lol) but then it was never intended for them. And to others… I have seen people break down in tears that yes there is a God and He did hear them. Their everyday life ceased and began anew. To others the paintings have given a nudge of thought or direction in which they should proceed. One piece of artwork happened and changed my entire life. Everyday life is extraordinary unordinary.

  • What goes around, comes around.

    More from my path... lessons and blessings. Being human in all to human relationships... holy moly not for the feint of heart. No one is successful all the time. At one point in my tumultuous teenage years, my mom guilted me with "what did I ever do to deserve a child like you?" in a moment of being pushed (by me) to the edge and over the cliff of complete frustration. Oh how it stung! It left a mark. The love remained as was the respect and the friendship but... God uses these marks, or hidden subconsciousness triggers in our behaviors, to play out at a later date so we can give take another look at them and give them over to him to heal. He desires to see us thrive and prosper in every way, to overcome the "issues" and move on up. The friction of holding on so tight to offenses or dragging ones feet in rebellion rather than letting go only pushes our own selves deeper into the rut. Now mind you like habits, ruts can be comfortable but are indeed completely useless. To us and to Jesus. So yes we think we forgave and we forgot and that we moved on, but the tell tale sign that indeed we clung to a bit of the offense is that a similar situation will present itself (nice going Holy Spirit! I see what you did there") and the memory will emerge. The justification will ensue. The excuses happily resurface. Ahh but now we are older. More mature. More knowledgeable. And fortunately more amenable to the ways of God. And the Holy Spirit convictions persist. Good on us! . Oswald Chambers said "Conviction of sin is one of the rarest things that ever strikes a man. It is the threshold of an understanding of God. Jesus Christ said that when the Holy Spirit came He would convict of sin, and when the Holy Spirit rouses the conscience and brings him into the presence of God, it is not his relationship with men that bothers him, but his relationship with God." John 16:8 (NEB) "When he [the Holy Spirit] comes, he will convict the world, and show where right and wrong and judgment lie. He will convict them of wrong..." So look at it. Take a good look. Say goodbye and finally give the rest of it to God. He can handle it. There's a basket at the foot of the cross just waiting for all you want to shed. You know the one. Isn't it time? It isn't too late. God has a plan. For us. Sorry mom your daughter was so slow. Thank you for sticking with me through my immaturity. Thank you Jesus that you are so quick to love.

  • Inspiration.

    Does the NIKE slogan "just do it" still inspire you to do better ? “It is good.” Now where have I heard that before😉 Genesis 1:31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good... It is good to not settle.

  • Fingers crossed gets no one off the hook.

    Most of us learned fairly quickly as children that discreetly crossing our fingers behind your back, that can mean that you just told a lie but that it doesn’t really count much like stepping on a crack will break our mothers back. Well yes and no. We are to decide which is the lie and which is the truth and what is inbetween. The biggest way the evil one gains is by using segments of truth and manipulating it to its own end just as it did with Jesus in the desert. God allows this on occasion to use in teaching us to seek out Him in all things and to use it as teaching and a prayer bonding tool bringing us, as His church, closer to Him which thwarts evils plans. So are your dreams from God? Infused by the devil? Yes and no and whats in between? You put it out there and are met with “yes absolutely prophetic!“ As well as “nope nope nope that’s just you!” Or more like “nah that is just fear. Get over it.” The thing with the Holy Spirit is that ... you... know. Hours will go by or days and it will not leave you as easily as a regular dream does. There is no need to hurry up and get back to sleep to see if the shopping cart full of new shoes really did make its way to you. Because as it says in John 14:26 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you. Put it out there anyways as you are led. I myself have had resulting conversations and you know what? Messages are sent. Messages are received. By those whose ears were open. And in the spiritual realm much was accomplished and to Gods glory.

  • When asked "will you pray for me?"

    Well it depends. It depends on what the Holy Spirit says on how I will pray. I am grateful to pray for others. I am also grateful to be able to teach others how to pray effectively. Prayer is a blessing twice warmed. Once to the heart of the one asking. Twice to the one asked. And is this going to be a prayer of healing the sick, a new job, finances, a worrisome child, a marriage, a relationship and all sorts of normal human interactions we all struggle with? No problem!! I get that! We can be the "where two or three" and every so happily. My heart is all for that! Now... eerie music queued...dun dun dunnnn... there is the prayer to maintain the wallow of self. In Ephesians 6:18 is says "And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people." Now why do you suppose God would want us alert and mindful enough to pray in the Spirit praying for others requests? Well... let me tell you about an experience I had with just this very thing. A woman contacted me out of the blue and stated "would you pray for me?" She did not say why but I still sought help from the Holy Spirit in this and was led to ask her a few questions. One being "Do you believe in Jesus and did you ask Him into your heart?" which seemed to trigger a 1000 word response to the woes of her life and yet she never really did answer me directly. During this venting, I was led over and over again to counter all of her 'yeah buts' with "Give it to Jesus." which led to reassuring her into realizing that yes indeed He had hear her, He did know of her ongoing dilemmas, and many of her answers had been manifested but all in all were of His will, His way, His timing and she should just take this time to PRAISE HIM! and reestablish her own relationship with Him and let Him take care of all the others. This was met with another 100o words of excuses and more ammunition to sustain her misery. I do know of annoyances. I do know of great pain. I do know of great loss. I also know greater joy. Greater happiness. Well how can that be? Well it is like this. For everything there is a season and for everything a purpose. I look for the purpose of the pain and learn it just as fast as I can. And I say thank you Jesus for it. In doing so I am free to receive all the blessing from heaven right down here on earth. I am not bogged down in self-pity or ack! worse yet implementing the actual control over all my domain and the people in it by any means necessary. Seriously, it the thought of it reminds me of trying to wrangle a two year old into a car seat without bribes. Sure you can get them in by force but sooner or later you will hear that "click" of the seatbelt being sprung free. And okay I own it, I suck at sympathy. But really, it is not that I am unsympathetic but if you want someone to roll around in the mire with you, know this! I will not be getting my shoes dirty. I would rather help you up and out so we can go shoe shoppin' together. Everything I am. Everything I do. Is for the Glory of Jesus. Okay back to the point of this story and why heed the Holy Spirit when another asks to you to pray for them. Every once in a while the devil will throw in a ringer just to disrupt your day, your thoughts, your peace. This woman was its puppet. And no, she was not successful. And the enemy lost again. hahahahahaaaaa And yet she still got prayed for, The Holy Spirit is doing a mighty re-think in this new up and coming Jesus warrior so THANK YOU JESUS! Oh How I love you. I will praise you in all storms.

  • A 17th Century Nun's Prayer

    Lord, Thou knowest better than I myself Know that I am growing older and Will some day be, old. Keep me from the fatal habit of thinking I must say something on every subject and on every occasion. Release me from the craving to straighten out everybody’s affairs. Make me thoughtful, but not moody; helpful, but not bossy. With my vast store of wisdom it seems a pity not to use it all, but Thou knowest, 0 Lord, that I want a few friends at the end. Keep my mind free from the recital of endless details; give me wings to get to the point. Seal my lips on my aches and pains. They are increasing, and love of rehearsing them is becoming sweeter as the days go by. I dare not ask for grace enough to enjoy the tales of others’ pains, but help me to endure them with patience. I dare not ask for an improved memory, but for a growing humility and a lessening cocksureness when my memory seems to clash with the memories of others. Teach me the glorious lesson that occasionally I may be mistaken, Keep me reasonably sweet; I do not want to be a saint – some of them are so hard to live with – but a sour old person is one of the crowning works of the devil. Give me the ability to see good things in unexpected places, and talents in unexpected people. And give me, 0 Lord, the grace to tell them so, Amen

  • It's not easy being green.

    Sure I’ve made it look easy... But the truth is “...greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.” 1 John 4:4 ”What's a major fear you had to overcome in your professional development? How did you go about it and how did it change things for you?” It was the time of the Swedish bikini team making known that it was fed up with sexual harassment that I stepped forward to challenge the accompanied sexism of being of the first and only female ever mechanical designer on an engineering team of a global corporation. I needed the job. It paid fairly well and I had kids to feed. But I was fed up with the daily assault of inappropriate comments, vulgar language, and supervisors offices lined with xxx pictures. I reported it to HR and suffered their sneering, was ultimately fired for challenging not only their authority but their personal rights while hearing “you will never win and we will deny it till the cows come home” as the door closed shut. It was a long drawn out battle but kept my self respect. I won. In oh so many ways. Why yes I do take my tea with cream. Moo.

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Art! On the Outskirts is the new project of entreating mountains via 

art on and beyond the canvas, exploring how faith, nature, and creativity intersect.

This project is a journey of discovering the depths of faith with art as a tool to sustain healing in my life.

I may not walk on water as Jesus did, but I am staying afloat through life lessons.

Go Back! this is THE END of my blog! 

If the world was flat, you would  now fall off here :)

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