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What do you think of Leviticus 19:31? Should it be heeded today? Why or why not?

Denise R Dahlheimer

As to the question of Leviticus 19:31 that says “‘Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God."

I have seen spirits all of my life. There was an elderly man that "lived" in my childhood home. He was quiet and bothered no one. But he left a aura of depressing feelings.And all if a sudden we moved. My parents began having bible studies in our new home and we all became "born again Christians" and were filled with the Holy Ghost. And then my brother came home from VietNam, an addict, and brought an attached demon home with him. yep I saw it too. it was not benevolent or helpful or quiet. Just lije people there are all kinds that use whatever persona required for the "job".

As I aged and began to lose person after person through tragedy after tragedy, I used to seek them out. I had questions. I was woefully unprepared for just how many people that I had lost that and I looked for help to cope in an area where there were few answers. Oh and what barrel of snakes this turned out to be! Many seemed incredibly intuitive and provided reasonable and realistic information. It had to be legit. Right?! And i was albeit a Christian, I was ignorant.

Well up until one day when I was sitting in my chair watching a television medium. I had been getting thoughts that maybe this was a slippery slope prior to this and that I probably should not be busying myself with shows like this. I was just about to turn the channel when the Holy Spirit said "wait! watch." And what had seemed to be another inoccuous show suddenly became a lesson of lying, manipulative, ugly spirits of the evil one whispering half truths to the woefully duped customer. They were able to relay stories, events and a persona of the deceased.

What I discerned was right there plain as a day was an earth bound spirit, a politically correct term for demon, who was whispering into the psychics thoughts these things that it had acquired knowledge of eavesdropping on this family over the years. It was not of God. It was not the deceased. It was a counterfeit and a thief. It was ugly. Ugly like a lie. The “comfort” it appeared to give was a roll of the dice towards a slippery slope away from Jesus.

They shared imitated information gathered and learned from unencumbered eavesdropping on the deceased man as well as his family. It was all just a show!

The Holy Spirit then pointedly asked me "why settle for lies and half truths when Jesus is the truth?" and "why go to the peons and not the Father in heaven?"

So still heeded? even though times they are a changing, the more they change, the more they remain the same. So Yes. Or No. Just choose whom you will serve. Choices were as relevant then as they are today.

For me? I have seen the lie. No fooling me anymore. i choose life in Jesus.

PS..,And yes I do know where my family is at now. Waiting for me in heaven.


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