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  • A short story 1.21.25

    Lighting up the unfiltered cigarette, she said, “He who lives trusting dies betrayed is the cattle call for those afraid to live before they die” as she emptied a half can of Aquanet on her hair so the wind wouldn’t mess it. -Denise Dahlheimer Why do we think its okay to believe what we are told? I was drawn to write on the simplicity of ones belief system. And how is yours? I just came off a reminder lesson that even as Jesus seeks out the 1, the rest of us 99 matter just as much to Him.

  • The Plan

    Moving and building when most should be retiring. Not in The Plan for me. yep. This is not my first journey. Yet this particular journey has been more difficult emotionally than ever before, and yet not spiritually as my spirit is being taken to a whole new level. I know that if I relied on my feelings I would succumb to despair. My curiosity though on how this all turns out will not allow that, nor will the track record of successes that God has built up within me. The devil has been working overtime to make it just as miserable as it can but God is taking those people it used and parting them out like the Red Sea all while showing me the nuances of the liar. I cannot see around the corner but this I know… God is making an entrance into my life like never before. This journey is in The Plan. If you are in it with me… God bless you. If you are merely an observer… God bless you. If you are being used by the evil one to cause chaos in the project, and in my life… God bless you. For “…nothing will be able to separate us (me) from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our (my) Lord.” Romans 8

  • the prodigal

    yesterday was a milestone birthday for my son, who for the last 3 years or is it 4? is still not speaking to me. Time just keeps ticking by doesnt it? I contemplated for days beforehand as to what to say - in a text 🥲 - to him to let him know that its time to awaken from evils lies and be the Prodigal. I agonized. I prayed. I sought the counsel of the Holy Spirit. Nothing. It felt like nothing. It seemed like nothing. And yet! I knew the spiritual reality was busy. I knew angels were dispatched. The verse came to me of “I will give you the words…” and I stopped ruminating. I sent a text that said, “happy birthday blessings to you! You were wanted, you were loved, And still are. Love, mom” Hours went by and no response. I felt disappointment lurking. And then, he text back a simple “Thank you.” Then I dreamed last night. I was a patient in care. 5 things were being fixed in the core of my body. In order for me to be the other half of the Prodigal story, I need a bit of tweaking myself. Weird, but true. As Du and I prayed over and for ours this morning, there was blessings, there was rebuking, the was binding and loosing, there was repentance, and declaring faith in Gods plan. And it ended with a vision of the 16 of us holding hands forming a heart shape standing in the glow of God. And thats enough. Onward and upward. For this child of God… its a given. 🌹 For I will give you wisdom in what to say and I will help you say it. Those who are against you will not be able to stop you or say you are wrong. Luke 21:15

  • no witch way

    Last night the house project foreman called and said the well guy would be here today. And because of poor planning/scheduling, and because the concrete crew already poured the garage apron, they could not sink the well where it would be convenient so the project lead picked a spot that just so happened would come up in the middle of theside walk. That plan was scrapped. The foreman also said that they would be bringing in a diviner to locate water. I knew of this and how it works as back in the day my dad could divine for underground wiring, well up until he became born again when he repented and turned his back on it. This caused me a dilemma. The diviner could save us money but I have learned there are more important things than money and we had just blessed the house moments earlier and did not want a witcher at work here. So we prayed. We turned it over to God. And the well guy showed up. Alone. He said we could wait till the diviner showed up as he was pretty accurate. I told him I was aware of this “gift” as my dad had it up until he repented of it. The waiting never happened as the diviner just then called in sick. And is that the end of it? Nope. Seemed the devil wanted his 2 cents worth anyways and caused a disagreement about between Du and I regarding logic vs spiritualality . It was over quickly. I find it interesting to see God at work. It is my goal that He will do His will in my life. And Ge knew that I knew that I didn’t want a witcher working at our place. . And then!! the well drilling saga continues!! The well guy worked alone all day and at 4:30, he walked over to us and said that at a little over 90' he pulled the plug on it as he figured he hit granite. He then said he would send the witcher over on Monday to look for a new spot and left . My spidey senses went up and I turned it over to God. The next morning Du goes out to the house to meet with a contractor/ "mudder" to get a bid on finishing the garage. This second contractor inquired on our well work in progress and said that he too was a "witcher" and would happily volunteer his services for free - as he enjoyed doing it. Du says he will talk to the well guy next week about it. Just then, minutes later!, the well guy shows up on site, and Du asks him "what's up? and I didn't think I would see you till Tuesday after your witcher found a better spot." The well guy replies, "I was thinking about your well and had the feeling to come and try this hole one more time just to see what will happen." Right there is a God move. He then says to Du. "I noticed your skidsteer with the attachments on it and if you let me use so I don't have to bring mine over and I won't charge you for the extra footage." Again, right there is a God move. I pray consistently that all work stays on God's budget. Just as he was about to restart, in the same hole, I told him that I had prayed that God would have His way, he replied, “ so did I.” And just like that, there was water! Thank you Jesus! Odd isn't it how far the evil one will go? And to the point where I take it for granted, how easily God makes His move.

  • who do you work for

    When we began our new adventure we were led to take uprooting us from a very happy contentment… we prayed on it. We had been praying the prayer of Jabez for about 4-5 months and indeed our territory was being enlarged. But grew by leaps when we asked God to enlarge His territory within us. And then the writing drew itself out on the wall to move… we prayed on it. The home became a house. It sold in 3 days at full price. Then the construction of the new house began… we prayed on it. And we buried a bible in dedication to God in its foundation. Then rains came and work ceased for about 9 weeks. We prayed on it. When the weather cleared… the appearance of the workers resumed. Some brought their demons to work with them. Some embraced the beauty of the place while others literally hated being there. The “haters” made it personal. Speaking to them resulted in my being the recipient of snarky arrogance. Simple questions irked them back to reactions of the childhood torment where the younger sibling ate cereal too loudly. I prayed on it. It got worse. Work ethics slipped. Work attitudes slipped. The ugly spirit of offense tried to reign as king but there is only one King of this place, King Jesus. And heres the thing… Du and I are supposed to build this place. It was put on our path to do so. Just as the Devil was not challenging Christ’s ‘sonship’ in His desert time, but his service, it challenged ours as well. Why? Who are we but mere mortals? Because ”the Devil can live with the idea of ‘saved people’ – but not with the idea of saved people living for the reason for why they have been saved.” And it took a big swing at us this past week. We got stronger. And we retaliated by not retaliating. We held our peace and let God take it on. And He did. And He will continue His good work. 🎵 this I know for the Bible tells me so… and I have witnessed it over and over and over. If you are experiencing distress, chaos, attacks… its not at you. Its at you were called to do. Its becoming beautiful. The good will be celebrated, the bad moved on from, and all will still belong to God. If you are experiencing distress, chaos, attacks… its not at you. Its at you were called to do. quote from

  • I told God on them

    Their masks came off. Building a new home how and where God has sent us has not been an easy feat. The adventure started in April and it still isn’t done yet. We pray every day for Gods will to be done and that it will be a source for Him. Other than that… its and our purpose and future are hidden from me. It has been a season of chaos by both nature and workers. The rains fell for weeks and they could not come up with a way to work around it. The workers remind me of the two types of Christians; the one who seeks Jesus daily and is committed to their path and joyously revel in their task, and the other who sees freedom to indulge in endless complaining, vices, redundant excuses, and misery on the job counting on it is easier to ask for forgiveness ( having one hand in the world) and the other on the bible begging for forgiveness when caught up short. I have experienced first hand the demon spirit of offense - yes it is a literal demon egging one on to accept it into their thinking, and it has a strong pull, when the disgruntled offer up their thoughts and opinions. When reactions are not received, they resort to enlist others as evil likes to travel in groups. And what they could not say to my face they said in texts and emails. Their words cut like a knife as the attacks were inexcusably personal. This I know, the devil is a liar and so are its minions. It has also been “uncanny” or maybe its the anti-divine’s design that key pieces are consistently ordered improperly, not showing up, not followed up on by those entrusted with this project. Yes, two types of people… the one who says “it was a long ride up here but oh so worth it! This is just beautiful and quiet! I can work in peace.” And then proceed to do the most amazing work. And the other “it was an hour and forty two to get up here so lets get this done and get out!” and their faces show it the entire time. They attitudes leave a stink in the air. I have gotten better at discerning a true smile and the one offered by prince of deception. So this lesson is one I will obviously need to be using in the days ahead. But heres the thing… this house was dedicated to God. It was blessed. It is continually prayed for. Some workers were professional. Some workers are everything but. The reason I know that this house will be as used as God decides… the sidewalk. The entrance to the house. Its poorly designed, awkwardly small and when I called attention to it, their masks all fell off. This crazy sidewalk is one that requires your attention or you risk a step into muck. It is also symbolic of the excuses of evil to keep one from Gods message. It will take thought to just get inside. All I can say to this battle ground, “surely God must be in this place.” C’mon in through the garage where our family enters.


    Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote "I shot an arrow into the air, it fell to earth I know not where. For so swiftly it flew, the sight. Could not follow in its flight..." I saw the White Horse Breaking of the First Seal, the Salvation through Jesus. Revelations 6:1 Then I watched as the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures say in a thunderous voice, “Come!” 2 So I looked and saw a white horse, and its rider had a bow. And he was given a crown, and he rode out to overcome and conquer. And this is Conquest. The work of the first horseman will continue until the offer of salvation is terminated during the Great Tribulation. The rider on this horse dispatched from Heaven’s throne is responsible for the promotion of "the good news" throughout Earth which is declared in 2 Timothy 4:8 "Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the LORD, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day-and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing." Oh but so many people. So may divisions. So many religions. It is truly Tower of Babel gone wild here and now!! But Jesus said in John 10:16 "And I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd." The turkey is a symbol of the Earth's wildness that man can never control.The feathers, viewed as abundance, pride and fertility, have now pierced their intended target, the heart of the earth. Yet an arrow has little effect unless it is propelled from a bow. This bow is adorned with eagle feathers, long told of being messengers of God, only earned through hardship, loyalty, and strength. The bear claw hangs from them representing the protector and evokes courage, physical strength and leadership. The bow. The weapon of choice. Made up of 27 pieces of backbone. As many as there are books in the New Testament. I kept hearing "the backbone of America". The truckers? The farmers? The founding fathers? Labor? The Constitution? Could be. But that'd be from us here Babel dwellers points of view. From the Father's point of view it is those who wish to protect theirs and forge a new identity. In Him? Instead of Him? Hmmm...Time will surely tell. Or is it made up of the backbone of the Bible's five key covenants God made with us? After all, the Bible is our weapon of choice and is empowered by God. And then I was pondering "now why would the Holy Spirit ask me to paint in an open Native American Medicine Wheel into this painting?" He answered me with "there are more than four dimensions in this world where we live. In addition to the three dimensions of space and the one of time, there is the openness to Him which transcends the others allowing us a peak at heaven. Luke 21:25 "There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. And did you know, one of the names for the Holy Spirit is The Wind? Here He adorns the crown in diamond shaped turquoise and reflects John 3:8 "The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit. "My children, my children, The wind makes the head-feathers sing. The wind makes the head-feathers sing." So...this first seal... allows the Antichrist to come into the world. And the white feather, the symbol of purity, faith and protection, is down... on the target. Your options during the Great Tribulation will be quite simple: Obey the laws of God and suffer the wrath of man, or obey the laws of man and suffer the wrath of God. Make no mistake! Wrath of some type will happen. God is about to declare war on sin. What to do? What to do? Unfortunately, many people will not repent and will instead curse God for His judgment of the world. But God is still good. He has still given us one more chance with His Holy Spirits urging on the surge of so many artists prophetic paintings and writings like this will assist those in finding the way to God. It will be their roadmap home. Those five covenants are built upon each other and create the strength in our own backbone to stand on the Word for our redemption. As God preserved the world through Noah, (Noahic in Genesis), initiated a redemption through Abraham, (Abrahamic in Genesis), formed a special people through Israel, (Mosaic in Exodus) promised a shepherd-king through David, (Davidic Psalms) and then fulfilled all of his covenantal promises through Jesus. To finally, God promised our salvation through our Lord Jesus, (the entire New Testament) from Genesis to Revelations, to have a good ending you need a good start. TICK - TOCK! On earth as it is in heaven. See ya on the other side. PRINTS AND GICLEES Available at

  • Human judgement. lol!

    Is judgement the number one enemy of creativity? Why? Oh no. “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio No, as it comes from an outside source. And outside sources to an artist are easily dismissed and turned away from. To affect creativity you must go to the place where it lives with its relative called ego. If ego is allowed to take the lead, it spurs on procrastination, lack of imagination, and a myriad of others to come up with excuses to prolong the tortured artist persona. in this neighborhood as well living quietly, steadily and strongly is the DNA that us representing the artists need to create is at their molecular level. This spectacular thing trumps all else.

  • Does every human being have the potential to create happiness? Why?

    Does every human have the potential to create happiness. Happiness. The fibromyalgia of the emotions. My gram used to say “you will be as happy as you make up your mind to be”. So I guess it depends. Take the novel A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, an inspirational poverty story created from a harsh reality and the visual of a flower springing forth up through a crack in the pavement, beauty in all its glory finds its way through the grayest of circumstances. It always has. It always will. those who need to see it are drawn to its color. It is a beacon that speaks to our soul. So to is happiness. It can be found and created in the same manner in ourselves, for ourselves. And then shared as all lights are a beacon in the dark It can be found in the same manner. If one can look beyond the present circumstances (and present because “happiness” tends to be circumstance driven for the emotionally immature) it is plausible to find joy or peace or contentment in the midst. Job. The woebegone of the Bible. His story shared that bad things do happen to good people and that suffering is not always a punishment and certainly not a matter of being deserving. And sometimes bad things happen just because they happen. No master plan. And I hear the lyrics "roll with it baby" by Steve Winwood. When life is too much, roll with it, baby Don't stop and lose your touch, oh no, baby Hard times knocking on your door I'll tell them you ain't there no more Get on through it, roll with it, baby... Job suffered extreme trauma and had the absolute worst friends to "comfort" him. They actually oppressed him with their concern and rationalization in their explanations. In all the bad luck and trauma that poor old Job suffered, he maintained his innocence. He did not accept becoming a victim. And you know what he got for his trouble? He got the respect of God! Yes God! And you know what else I learned in the story of Jobs troubles? Not once did he blame the devil who started all of it. Job only had eyes for God. He refused to ruminate on the problems and tried his best to live the life dealt to him. So yes... happiness... it depends. Happiness is a creative experience we choose to make. And as all created things begins with a task of sort, happiness too requires the first step of sacrificing drama, melancholy, woe, self, presumptions, etc. Bloom anyways. Own your story.

  • shine on me Jesus

    I awoke this morning and as I lay in bed a bit I contemplated God. How good He is. How all the storms I endured in my life always subsided. My thoughts wandered to my current storm of behaving like Lot’s wife and I asked forgiveness… again. And then I was just about to ask God to grace me with a sign, a nudge, a confirmation, or something to bolster my faith when my thoughts went to “it’s okay Lord, you always come through I am sorry.” And I got up to start my day. Okay but not ecstatic. Ready to plunge in again. And then! My thoughts started taking a downward slide towards the path of woe. I recognized it sooner than later this time. I cried out “Jesus!” And then I heard the singing in my heart “show me your glory.” How can I refuse to let God shine all over my life? Guess who would want me to? You want to know how this started? A Christian “friend” just so happened coincidentally to spew fear at me last night. I rebuked him. Was he mad? Nope! He just responded as the enemy would with a whatever attitude. So now instead of being a duped participant in my own robbery , I am upping my asking for Gods abundance!! Exodus 33:18-23 18  Then Moses said, “Now show me your glory.” 19  And the Lord said, “I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the Lord, in your presence. I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.

  • a pov

    When you look at this picture… what is your takeaway from it? One picture can appear different because of perspective. Du sent it to our SIL to show him the beauty of this place of his. Tranquil. Geese swimming lazily along. The morning dawning. A nice moment as he awaits our house getting finished. SIL saw the docks wheel axel sticking out of the water causing him concern in how much water this big lake is down. Concern because his big boat is sitting just off view and the water is now too shallow to not just launch it but to get it out of the water before the ice sets in. So everything generates a “Thank you Jesus!” or a “Oh Jesus help!” And for me? I see a large four color painting but struggle to not being able to paint in the confined area of the cabin for our house is still not done. As for God… He sees it as Jeremiah said in 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Oh and btw… creative thinking was achieved and got the boat out🙏 thank you Jesus. Still waiting on a close date. But it will come. We told God about our concerns. 👍

  • interpretation or opinion

    About this 2 or 3 are gathered verse… there is more to it than you think. Matthew 18: 20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. I was distressed the other day as delaying circumstances in the house project were beyond my patience and I went to a friend in prayer. They “saw” the house was on fire. From God? Maybe. And they proceeded to relay their interpretation. “This is what I see. In its future it will burn to the ground.. not because of how it was built but because of thing far beyond anyone's control” and I was worried! Was he right? Was he wrong? This did not comfort me. This did not give me peace. This caused chaos. But I knew God was in our midst. Yes I knew because He is with me always. Because I cannot live in chaos and seek Gods peace, I asked another to pray on the fire scenario. Her words were a balm to my soul, “Even when God shows us bad things as a warning there are usually conditions and directions.“ I was certain God was in our midst. And I left the whole thing with God and proceeded with tasks I was required to participate in. After a day of letting it go and letting the worry evaporate, God showed me this pic. Why? A two fold lesson. Trust God even if and no matter what. And something is coming that someone else - including me - needs this residing on the back burner. God is global.

  • pulling the wool over creativity

    Is working for God your 9-5 job? Yes and no. God is beyond the constraints of time but we are not. Do life events continually threaten your creativity? The pulling and stretching of our earthly job descriptions tends to blur, obscure, and muddle up our intentions of communing with God. Yes, circumstances can get overwhelming. For me, right now, even though there is little time or space. I grab a minute or two to plop down paint on a smaller than normal canvas stretching my thoughts for the vague idea that I cannot quite pin down and knowing I will probably paint over it the next time. It is frustrating. But I am persevering because I hear in my thoughts “keep your head in the game.” I know I must make the conscious effort to try. AND I have to act to make the try happen. It is in our nature to drift off of our course, it takes discipline to stay on it. Just do it. It is in this, we find our best. IMHO

  • Saturated with sweetness

    For a very long time now, Du gets up first and makes me two mugs of cinnamon-y chai tea with Italian cream and Stevia while he makes his coffee. Its always the same, not to hot, not to cold and the first cup is inhaled as its stronger than the second cup which is always sweeter. Odd as its the same teapot of water into the same tea strainer. I get why the stronger tea first but the second being sweeter is odd. An odd too is that when he is out and about earlier and I make my own, it doesn’t taste the same even though all ingredients are the same. His is better. We talked about it. He never realized the second cup was sweeter. And as in most conversations where a goal is wanted, we figured it out. I put the cream and sugar into the bottom of each cup ready to dilute perfectly with the hot water. Each cup is the same in flavor but the second has less caffeine. Du adds the cream and sugar to the tea leaves in the strainer where the leaves soak them up and released only by the water. And so by the second cup the leaves are saturated and then adding more when releasing even more of the creamy sweetness. I see now the value in being tempered. We get sweeter. Luke 6: 38 Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

  • Dust off

    I watched a reel the other day put out by a newly popular Christia influencer where an “important” singer was complaining about how mean Christians were to her as they found her works, and her persona, offensive. As she spoke of how hateful Christians are she said she was wanting no part of “us” I noticed she wore a tee shirt emblazoned with “made in hell” on it. The influencer made the comment “look at what we have done to her” and I was taken a bit back. I have never spoken to her. And I don’t know anyone who has and just who are these “we”? So I put it to God. Today the thoughts came to me of “who do you suppose was complaining?” Most of us have been the recipient of this experience. This leads to the question “ Is the demon complainings going to shut you up?” The bible says to speak in love. But love, true love, is a force! Not wishy washy, not mumbling weakly, but embracing the power of God to share His good news. Thats our job. So these kinds of encounters… What would you do? Leave them to God? Rebuke? Have you ever rebuked a demon in a person? I have 3 times in my life. One, I did as I was shown the spirit of a wolf in his eyes. I left the scene and gave them over to God as this was not in my wheelhouse at that time. The second left my life, and I entrusted them to Gods care. The third, recognized it and dealt with it. Every situation is different but the message is the same. Jesus loves us, this I know but take guff from a demon? No I don’t think so! The moral of the story? They can complain about who said what and grouse that the message wasn’t delivered on a satin pillow as well as saying “you Christians are all hateful and its all your fault that I deny your Jesus and and and…” but at the end of the day, they heard. They chose. Matthew 10:14 If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet.

Search Results

Art! On the Outskirts is the new project of entreating mountains via 

art on and beyond the canvas, exploring how faith, nature, and creativity intersect.

This project is a journey of discovering the depths of faith with art as a tool to sustain healing in my life.

I may not walk on water as Jesus did, but I am staying afloat through life lessons.

Go Back! this is THE END of my blog! 

If the world was flat, you would  now fall off here :)

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