yesterday was a milestone birthday for my son, who for the last 3 years or is it 4? is still not speaking to me. Time just keeps ticking by doesnt it?
I contemplated for days beforehand as to what to say - in a text 🥲 - to him to let him know that its time to awaken from evils lies and be the Prodigal. I agonized. I prayed. I sought the counsel of the Holy Spirit. Nothing.
It felt like nothing. It seemed like nothing. And yet! I knew the spiritual reality was busy. I knew angels were dispatched. The verse came to me of “I will give you the words…” and I stopped ruminating. I sent a text that said, “happy birthday blessings to you! You were wanted, you were loved, And still are. Love, mom” Hours went by and no response. I felt disappointment lurking. And then, he text back a simple “Thank you.”
Then I dreamed last night. I was a patient in care. 5 things were being fixed in the core of my body. In order for me to be the other half of the Prodigal story, I need a bit of tweaking myself. Weird, but true.
As Du and I prayed over and for ours this morning, there was blessings, there was rebuking, the was binding and loosing, there was repentance, and declaring faith in Gods plan.
And it ended with a vision of the 16 of us holding hands forming a heart shape standing in the glow of God.
And thats enough. Onward and upward. For this child of God… its a given. 🌹
For I will give you wisdom in what to say and I will help you say it. Those who are against you will not be able to stop you or say you are wrong. Luke 21:15