Their masks came off.
Building a new home how and where God has sent us has not been an easy feat.
The adventure started in April and it still isn’t done yet. We pray every day for Gods will to be done and that it will be a source for Him. Other than that… its and our purpose and future are hidden from me.
It has been a season of chaos by both nature and workers. The rains fell for weeks and they could not come up with a way to work around it.
The workers remind me of the two types of Christians; the one who seeks Jesus daily and is committed to their path and joyously revel in their task, and the other who sees freedom to indulge in endless complaining, vices, redundant excuses, and misery on the job counting on it is easier to ask for forgiveness ( having one hand in the world) and the other on the bible begging for forgiveness when caught up short.
I have experienced first hand the demon spirit of offense - yes it is a literal demon egging one on to accept it into their thinking, and it has a strong pull, when the disgruntled offer up their thoughts and opinions. When reactions are not received, they resort to enlist others as evil likes to travel in groups. And what they could not say to my face they said in texts and emails. Their words cut like a knife as the attacks were inexcusably personal. This I know, the devil is a liar and so are its minions.
It has also been “uncanny” or maybe its the anti-divine’s design that key pieces are consistently ordered improperly, not showing up, not followed up on by those entrusted with this project.
Yes, two types of people… the one who says “it was a long ride up here but oh so worth it! This is just beautiful and quiet! I can work in peace.” And then proceed to do the most amazing work. And the other “it was an hour and forty two to get up here so lets get this done and get out!” and their faces show it the entire time. They attitudes leave a stink in the air.
I have gotten better at discerning a true smile and the one offered by prince of deception. So this lesson is one I will obviously need to be using in the days ahead.
But heres the thing… this house was dedicated to God. It was blessed. It is continually prayed for. Some workers were professional. Some workers are everything but.
The reason I know that this house will be as used as God decides… the sidewalk. The entrance to the house. Its poorly designed, awkwardly small and when I called attention to it, their masks all fell off. This crazy sidewalk is one that requires your attention or you risk a step into muck. It is also symbolic of the excuses of evil to keep one from Gods message. It will take thought to just get inside.
All I can say to this battle ground, “surely God must be in this place.” C’mon in through the garage where our family enters.