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today is the day

Denise R Dahlheimer

It has to start somewhere…

Recently I heard one man’s opinion that in 100 years the vast majority of us that are living now muddled up in our lives and loves would not be remembered by anyone.

I pondered on this and realized that the books we read or write, the pictures we take to capture moments, the methods we created to express ourselves in being unique, the peace we sought vs the wars we fought, or even what we coveted would have been long forgotten. In 100 years it will be as if we never existed.

These heavy thoughts led to the lightness of Gods plan for us. Psalm 118:24, saying "This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." For today… give thanks for the gift of life from God. Your life, your actions, your choices... all matter!

Why? Because we make a difference to others in all the things we say and do. Jeremiah 29:11 states, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” A future… you are not only training up the next generations but instilling hope… and so on… and so on…

Make it count for all the good reasons. If you struggle recall that “all Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness” 2 Timothy 3:16.

Do your best.


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Art! On the Outskirts is the new project of entreating mountains via 

art on and beyond the canvas, exploring how faith, nature, and creativity intersect.

This project is a journey of discovering the depths of faith with art as a tool to sustain healing in my life.

I may not walk on water as Jesus did, but I am staying afloat through life lessons.

Go Back! this is THE END of my blog! 

If the world was flat, you would  now fall off here :)

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