About this 2 or 3 are gathered verse…
there is more to it than you think.
Matthew 18: 20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
I was distressed the other day as delaying circumstances in the house project were beyond my patience and I went to a friend in prayer.
They “saw” the house was on fire. From God? Maybe. And they proceeded to relay their interpretation. “This is what I see. In its future it will burn to the ground.. not because of how it was built but because of thing far beyond anyone's control” and I was worried! Was he right? Was he wrong?
This did not comfort me. This did not give me peace. This caused chaos. But I knew God was in our midst. Yes I knew because He is with me always.
Because I cannot live in chaos and seek Gods peace, I asked another to pray on the fire scenario. Her words were a balm to my soul, “Even when God shows us bad things as a warning there are usually conditions and directions.“ I was certain God was in our midst.
And I left the whole thing with God and proceeded with tasks I was required to participate in.
After a day of letting it go and letting the worry evaporate, God showed me this pic.
Why? A two fold lesson.
Trust God even if and no matter what. And
something is coming that someone else - including me - needs this residing on the back burner. God is global.
The house fire is not fire the Holy Ghost and Jesus blessing the blessing house filled with his love our Lord is in the house of love. Big plans with you in that house. It’s just an ins tree um tree by to his mighty love in it through it over it. Will transform many. Amen.