I read a blip asking “What could the devil do to sway you to its side?”
Most responded to that “drawing the short straw” was a distinct player.
Granted that catastrophes, tragedies, emergencies, etc can really shake us up and roll us out of bed but then the choice thing happens.
Yes we choose. We choose right or left, up or down, in or out, to fight or to flee. We choose to ask for help, or not. Some retreat.
Some ponder on the misfortune as whether is it by divine design or simply a sequence of events put into play by choices while scrambling to reestablish their normal. Some blame others. Some blame themselves. Some blame God. I rarely hear anymore “the devil made me do it” and when I do, I notice the glee accompanying it forgetting its aim is to seek and destroy our bodies and our lives. Its goal is chaos.
Regardless, those that know God will seek God. Those that do not know God, need those that do. How we handle ourselves in our trials matters. The results of our trials matter. What did we learn?
And for the original question of “what would it take…?” An easy life living the the luck of “the long straw” causes the strongest current in our daily drift away from our Father.
Lord “Give us today our daily bread” (Matthew 6:11) in Jesus Name, Amen and keep me close to you.