I watched a reel the other day put out by a newly popular Christia influencer where an “important” singer was complaining about how mean Christians were to her as they found her works, and her persona, offensive.
As she spoke of how hateful Christians are she said she was wanting no part of “us” I noticed she wore a tee shirt emblazoned with “made in hell” on it.
The influencer made the comment “look at what we have done to her” and I was taken a bit back.
I have never spoken to her. And I don’t know anyone who has and just who are these “we”?
So I put it to God. Today the thoughts came to me of “who do you suppose was complaining?”
Most of us have been the recipient of this experience. This leads to the question “
Is the demon complainings going to shut you up?”
The bible says to speak in love. But love, true love, is a force! Not wishy washy, not mumbling weakly, but embracing the power of God to share His good news. Thats our job.
So these kinds of encounters… What would you do? Leave them to God? Rebuke?
Have you ever rebuked a demon in a person? I have 3 times in my life. One, I did as I was shown the spirit of a wolf in his eyes. I left the scene and gave them over to God as this was not in my wheelhouse at that time. The second left my life, and I entrusted them to Gods care. The third, recognized it and dealt with it.
Every situation is different but the message is the same. Jesus loves us, this I know but take guff from a demon? No I don’t think so!
The moral of the story? They can complain about who said what and grouse that the message wasn’t delivered on a satin pillow as well as saying “you Christians are all hateful and its all your fault that I deny your Jesus and and and…” but at the end of the day, they heard. They chose.
Matthew 10:14 If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet.