Designer - Artist - Author & all for JESUS
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as I entreat the mountains on my path with Jesus.
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- thats gonna leave a mark
Yesterday physical pain collided with emotional pain and there were a lot of tears. As I cried, I could hear in my memory someone once saying “cry it out and be done with it.” Harsh. It sounded calloused. It felt calloused. It was calloused. Thats not how compassion is served. That is not serving Jesus-style. And now I have something “new” to give to Jesus. Interesting how much newer I get the farther down the path I go. Whats really interesting is as I was shown by the Holy Spirit, when anothers ugliness leaves a mark on us, it is akin to the stories of leprosy. Ewww! But!!! A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” Matthew 8:2 “One to clean up Lord!” 🚀
- Again Jabez
I had an interesting dream last night. It was about the fringe kind of people or those that lurk on the perimeter of my life that even though I have loved them dearly, they have yet gotten close enough to me to smell the scent of shampoo in my hair. A hard lesson to absorb but Lord here I am!! The Prayer of Jabez 9 Now Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. His mother had named him Jabez, saying, “Because I bore him in pain.” 10And Jabez called out to the God of Israel, “If only You would bless me and enlarge my territory! May Your hand be with me and keep me from harm, so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted the request of Jabez. As I mentioned I am utilizing this cry to God from 1 Chronicles 4 again and it appears that I am to learn more and go deeper and to not just look at physical pain. And yes! the financial blessings have been incredible, including materials to build an insulated shop in the shed. Who doesn’t appreciate the prosperity part right? But with it comes great responsibility such as tithing and making good choices. I once heard a scenario of “if each person in the world were given - tax free - a gift of 1 million dollars tomorrow that 1 year from tomorrow each persons reality would be exactly the same as it is today. The philosophy of this has impacted most decisions I have made since then. Anyways then, what The Prayer of Jabez also brings with it is a deeper realization in our contact with others. Yes, we all love to embrace the image of our living, loving, compassionate Jesus but its a rare conversation of His walking away from the horde of those who only looked for the free meal. Not only did Jesus himself walk away from people on occasion, He allowed them to walk away from Him. It is now more of me handing more of me over to God. Its hard, but it’s an interesting billboard on my path. The now lesser of weighty reality has not affected my scale yet. -Denise
- keep working
Ephesians 4:13 This work must continue until we are all joined together in the same faith and in the same knowledge of the Son of God. We must become like a mature person, growing until we become like Christ and have his perfection. This is Convergence. Keep the faith, even if. Luke 21:31 – “So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand.”
- Why are you an artist?
It is who I am. I was born this way. I knew it from my earliest memory. Creating from that which is within my imagination is the exhale to the inhale of the air that sustains me. As far as growing as an artist, my abilities to carry out my imagination has grown. But then I recalled a painting I did that when I finished I was actually a little sad as it seemed to be my greatest piece - to date. I had conveyed on canvas what was in my thoughts fairly well. But actually it was an ignorant assumption on my part and only the beginning of a loving communion between the Holy Spirit and myself. I now look upon that painting and the first of many love letters.
- Jesus loves me this I know.
While the guys hauled in the docks, us girls were chilling out in the warm cabin looking out upon then in the lake and watching the snow twinkle off of their faces. I sat there in this rare empty day in a full house with my daughter, my daughter in law and four granddaughters teaching latch hooking and crocheting while singling along to the little chicks music (Taylor Swift style 🙄) and thinking we are all going to remember this afternoon for the rest of our lives. It’s pretty much what it’s all about. Not money. Not things. Hearts. And allll of us one with Jesus.The best part was sitting on the floor behind each one with my arms wrapped around them and hands in hands turning and weaving the hook thru the yarn. One says “oh gram you smell so good” ❤️ It was the gift of being in this moment. In this time. With these people. Without agenda. Without plans. The inalienable right to sometimes just be. Watching life just unfold. Without control. Priceless. I saw my lineage. Those who went before me. Those that come after me. All in Christ. And I liked what I saw. My plate is as full as my heart. 🎶and I think to myself what a wonderful world... oh yeahhhh🎶
- wrong wrong wrong
the news… the left… the right… politics, religion, conspiracies… where is the truth? what would Jesus do? He would say, ““Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34 They were so sure they were right in what they said and were doing… they were so wrong. and yet He insists that we respond in love. like He does. and give “them” to Him to work on while we are to practice “If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet.” Matthew 10:14
- just ask
Today the Bible verse of the day app suggested to spend 4-6 minutes just sitting with God. I agreed. Beautiful music commenced and I imagined myself sitting next to Him. What happened next was the “what if” realization of seeing God in my reality and hearing His voice audibly. He said “Ask me anything you like.” I thought… questions popped into my thoughts about why this, why that, what to do now, what to do next, the pain in my body, the pain in my heart, the losses, the sadnesses, the joys, the successes, and they flitted away as easily as they arrived. When it came right down to it, I had nothing to ask. I just wanted to sit with Him. And let my love rise up to Him.
- To B or not to B
While in a tourist shop yesterday purchasing a gift, I changed my mind in mid transaction and requested the whole thing be voided out. It was ill met by the cashier who had not only rang up the wrong cheaper price but “fixed” it by adding another charge to it. She would not give me back my card till the sale was approved as I asked her again to void it out. She refused. What came next out of her could only be likened as a percussion blast. I was taken aback by her sheer force as our eyes engaged. And people were watching. I took the package and left as I attempted to knock the dust off my sandals per Matthew 10:14, “If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet.” We went to the truck and drove off and yet I could not shake the experience. As I gave it to God, an acquaintance came to my thoughts of a hostile but God-fearing woman who had blasted me many times, lots of issues, in much the same manner. Why these two ladies resembled each other! Hmmm… I wonder if it was her?? But wrong state. As we drove, Du finally asked “need help with this?” “Yes! Please pray on me!” He put his hand on my head and asked God to take away the blast, to bless me, and to deal with the lady. And within minutes, peace resumed in my thinking. What I am left with is this… As this transpired, it was like an out of body experience of watching her manager sit on a stool behind her watching her actions. His arms were folded across his chest and he observed. A discerning came through of evil training evil. Weird, but true. Just as I knew that she was “in for it” when I left. Was this a simple event of someone having a bad day? No, I don’t think so. Even if it were, I knew deep in my gut, not to engage but to retreat. Cowardice? No, meekness. There is incredible power bestowed upon us via the Holy Spirit when we back down and turn the other cheek while walking away. The gift of retreating is an open invitation to God to our gaining a greater freedom and surrender to His plan. Did it feel weird? Yep! Did I like it? Nope! But I was smart enough to not stand there and take it. Thats a huge lesson! Why? I have been a Type A in a community of Type B’s for as long as I can recall. And it is now on my plate to adapt a bit of B for myself. Why? Because the end of days is at hand and God meant it when He said, “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.” Matthew 5:5. This is where Jesus was teaching about people whose mindsets had been conditioned by the world around them. And then the Holy Spirit brought to my thoughts a few occasions where God dealt with those who caused hurt. I speak truth when I say that it is rarely pleasant to see one reap what they sewed. And why I choose instead to pray for God to “love the meanness out of them.” So with that… Father God, love the vileness out of her and cause her to be a loving magnet for you. In Jesus name, Amen.
- Dreams come true.
I had an amazing but hard dream last night. I was in a white bed (in Gods arms) with a great pressure on my heart (a heartache) and He was sitting beside me as my doctor and has been monitoring the situation I am in and ready to make a move if and when necessary. I woke up and read the Bible verse for the day. it was from Proverbs 11: 25, “the liberal soul shall be made fat and be that watereth shall be watered also himself.” And then! I heard the song Beautiful World by Louis Armstrong and was catapulted back to lying in my grams arms as we listened to him sing in her little black and white tv. I gloried in the memories of the moment when this time stood still and I absorbed the love that would help carry me through many trials. And I heard Jesus say “my child you are beautifully and wonderfully made. There is no flaw in you. I love you.” And sent me this video clip and said “you have never played it small for me. Thank you.” Thank you Jesus for my life. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Amen. Oh yeahhhhh….
- Would I do it again?
The Irish singer Gilbert O'Sullivan sings "It seems to me that there are more hearts broken in the world that can't be mended left unattended. What do we do? What do we do? We wait it out. Like today. The first time someone referred to me as stalwart I was so offended. It's all my own fault. Words like capable, talented, confident, strong, intelligent, faithful, empathetic, compassionate, passionate and so on put me in the position of always being so "there" for others that in the process I became invisible. The general consensus seems that invisible people do not have needs or feelings. Invisible people have no inner wounds. You cannot hurt invisible people with words or actions. Invisible people have no desires and certainly no preferences. Invisible people do the right thing and no waves will be forthcoming. Invisible people certainly do not require effort from others. God saw me. He was there when I made a childish teenage choice of a husband I was deeply in love with. He agreed to this change in the plan that had been set forth for me. He saw me as the man/child bore the thievery of his own childhood upon me in the worst kinds of spousal abuse as I bore him two beautiful babies. I understood. God warned me it would be hard but He would help me every step of the way. He made a way out of the poor choice. He protected my life as I protected theirs. I understood. I gave up my planned life for them. I tried. I persevered. I got educated in a field that bore little resemblance to my desires. I understood. I worked corporate. Corporate! I swore I would never ever ever. But I did. I did it for my kids. No welfare life. No section 8 housing. I wanted them to have what I had. I fought for them. I fought with them. To be smarter. Better. I understood. I learned to like my life. I learned to appreciate what I had to work for. I spent little on myself. I went without. I became invisible. I understood as I became a non-entity in my circle's eyes. God saw me. He provided His own mentorship the likes that very few are allowed. Little did I understand the weight of this gift or how it would see me through what the impending shoes were about to drop or how I would later mentor and teach others. God saw me. He helped me endure the tragic and untimely deaths of my sisters. I understood. He helped me endure the years and years of the never ending reminder that my dad was dying at any moment. I understood. He helped me endure the death of my brother. I understood, He help me endure the loss of my mom even as she lived. I understood. He helped me endure her choosing to no longer mother her last child surviving child, me, anymore. I understood. But God saw me. He understood. He allowed my career to progress and to provided better for my children. In doing so, they did not understand. We moved. They did not understand. I married again. They did not understand. We married into a large unyielding family. They did not understand. I understood. I lived with post traumatic stress disorder. They did not understand. God did. He and I grew closer with each battle. God saw me. God saw my losses. God saw my mistakes. God saw I tried. God never took Hs eyes off of me. God blessed me. I understood. God loves me. I am His beloved. I am His anointed as just a regular person who has been specially set apart for God's plan and purposes just as it says in the New Covenant, all Christians are anointed who are baptized in the Holy Spirit. God saw those who failed me. He will talk to them. God saw those who put themselves first. He will talk to them. God understands. A broken commandment is a broken commandment. They don't understand. For those who do not honor their father and mother and give disrespect to them in thought, word or deed are as guilty as those who commit murder. They don't understand. God will talk to those who harmed this child of His as it says in Psalms 105:15 "Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm." They will soon understand. God sees me. He knows the ending hour of my life. Should it come later than sooner, I understand. If I leave now, the devil will have no competition for those I care for. God sees me. Because of Him, I willingly forgive. I understand. I live to serve... my Father in heaven. Yes He really does exist. I am not alone at all. Neither are you.
- How has the Holy Spirit helped you understand things you couldn’t before?
The Holy Spirit help me understand that it was good that I was born. That I have a purpose in being here. He helped it to sink in the verse that says "Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father…So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." Matthew 10:29-31 To Jesus… I matter. I am loved. I am wanted. It’s easy to love when you are loved.
- Mirror mirror on the wall... I know it them and not me. Right?
Wrong. It's you. It all seems so simple... if only "they" would see reason, if only "they" would agree "they" have the problem, if only... if only... if only... and then there is... "as soon as my prayer is answered" "no! I cannot until my prayers are answered" and so on and so on and so on... Todd Chrisley said "don't worry about what I care about, worry about you, I got me." He just have had a similar gram as mine. My gram used to say "don't you worry about them, you worry about you". And there you have it. If there is a delay, is it you? If it isn't happening yet, is it you? In Acts 4:12 it says "And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” "They" getting it right will not save you. You know who will and there you are! Look at you lookin' at Jesus for your answer! Good for you! Now the blessings resume!
- dont be so quick to die
Hmmm… the Holy Spirit has prompted me to share that it is not that I paint or that I write, but that I share the lessons from my path with Him. My earliest memory of this stuff was at the age of 4, more than 5 but still decades ago 😉 The lessons are hard earned and come at great cost to me. Each and every one of them has a background of all things Ecclesiastical with a blend of Job. I try to keep myself in the background as I want all the attention to be kicking the rocks out of the way to see and hear Jesus clearer. My mom, my mentor, had a wonderful friend named Dorie who could not wait to get to heaven. I used to think “why the rush?” and now I get it. But for now, this is what He tasks me to do. So I do. I do my best. For you to see Him clearer. To those who spur me on with your support, thank you! You bless me.
- demons in a vacuum
The phrase “Nature abhors a vacuum” is attributed to Aristotle. It means every space in nature needs to be filled with something due to the laws of nature and physics. Yet Thomas Aquinas, much like Aristotle, wrote that nature is organized for good purposes. Unlike Aristotle, however, Aquinas went on to say that God created nature and rules the world by "divine reason. I often get asked about demons messing up one’s life... “Do bad spirits actually enter a persons soul and make them act bad?” Consider the parable of the empty house told by Jesus: “ ‘When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, “I will return to the house I left.” When it arrives, it finds the house swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that man is worse than the first’ ” according to Luke 11. which tells of a man possessed by the devil with Jesus likening his life to a messy house. But when the evil spirit was cast out, Jesus depicted the man’s life as a clean and orderly house. The evil spirit returns to the man and finds him to be like a house, clean, well-swept, and ready for company. The spirit re-enters the man and brought along seven other spirits. The man is now more controlled and worse off than before. The question—why? What led to the evil spirit’s success? Was it because the house was swept and put in order? No. It was left unprotected. How can this dangerous state be avoided? The simple answer is, Do not leave the house empty. Cleansed of the evil spirit, the heart is clean, but do not leave it empty—let Jesus dwell in it as a permanent occupant of the heart. And ask to be filled with the Holy Spirit (see Ephesians 5:18). Ellen White counsels, “The religion of Christ means more than the forgiveness of sin; it means that sin is taken away, and that the vacuum is filled with the (Holy) Spirit. It means that the mind is divinely illumined, that the heart is emptied of self, and filled with the presence of Christ. our life and knowing the word of God.” When in doubt? Sing! I find the song “create in me a clean heart o God” restores me. From the inside out. Listen!