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367 items found for ""

  • Barn Door Table PROJECT

    After a long time in searching for the right vintage cabinet we found it! It was a display in one of those little out of the way shops way up north that just beg to be told about in a story! The display also included a barn door that was used as a partition as well. In order to get the cabinet, we had to buy the door as well. No problem-o!! SOLD!! Send it to the shed and we'll will figure it out later. And there it stood. For almost two years and then came the request "mom!! my cabin needs a good sturdy vintage-y looking table". So Du and I squared it off, came up with a leg system using reclaimed 2x6s and here it is! TA-TA-DAH! cabin friendly :)

  • So your husband drops a tree on your bucket.

    You know how you get that magical corner all set up and it is picture worthy for the neighborhood as well a photo op for a home decor magazine? You sound the right bucket. You found the right flowers and it works just perfectly with your grandpa's grinding wheel. And then your husband is out doing yard work and the tree just so happens to drop right on it? Sometimes it really is for the better. hmmm... looks like they need a drink too.

  • Leftovers.

    There we were. We had bought enough to do 2 bathroom ceilings in vintage tin panels to "make sure" and since everything went fairly well we had enough left over to play artist on.

  • Can you have too much shiplap? Nope.

    Fireplaces on an angle in a right angle life. Embrace it! Make it a deliberate feature rather than a "tuck in a fireplace there without spending the extra money" kind of build. NOTE: ORIGINAL OIL PAINTING COMMISSIONED OF MISS EVEY LU by Denise Dahlheimer, Art On The Outskirts Studio

  • Inspiration bed $2400...

    Well that was fun! Next?! The inspiration piece was $2400 😳 And baby girl is not such a baby anymore.

  • RV Camper upgrade

    Stock factory decor in my camper?! I don’t think so! 👀COMING SOON!! 👀 Subscribe to my blog and I will share with you how i do these things! 😊

  • No more microwave gaping at me!

    When the new microwave does not fit, you must acquit... well with adding a couple of doors and a shelf ❤️ and ta-ta-dah a sanctuary for the coffee paraphernalia.

  • Steamed or Punked!?

    There I was, tired of the old boudoir-ish dust collecting looking lampshade and now loving the Edison bulbs and vintage steam punk-like stuff as I do, I said to The Holy Spirit "wouldn't it be cool to just have a wire cage looking one!" So for four weeks, I looked and looked, online and in the stores... too short, to big, too much money, and on and on till I let go of my death grip on the idea. Running errands brought me to the local Target and meandering a bit in the dollar section bam! pow! boom! Ta-ta-dah!! wire trash cans for a buck!! Thank you Jesus they are perfect!! 😄

  • Bling mE!

    Dresser pull parts are no longer rolling around the “figure it out later” list. “be like a diamond precious and rare not like a stone that is found everywhere. “ -Rita Gatourey 💎

  • Instant old!!

    When the legs are great but the top is false its time for a makeover! A long time ago I had come across a really cool table but the price was way beyond my means. So I filed away in my memory what it was I liked about it until another time. This weekend the memory resurfaced and ta-ta-dah! 😀 And then...

  • Choices. Chances. Changes.

    More from my path...back when I was in my twenties and I found Jesus again, and found the strength to leave an abusive relationship to raise my kids on my own, I also found that I had a choice in the way I would live the rest of my life. Emphasis on "the live" part of it. I chose to not sit back and let the government take care of us. I chose not to live in subsidy housing. I gave my kids - me. I chose to work for everything we had and I chose to go to school at the same time. I chose to pick a degree in that which I was not only gifted towards but funneled it to that which would pay back to my children a lifestyle that they deserved and also be a balm to the poor choices I had made up until then. My entire life changed - back to the values I was taught and as I was raised by good Christian parents and family. God blessed me all along the way. He taught me endurance and faith. He also gave me the blessing of being an observer. And in observing others I have been able to make better choices for myself. In watching the life of one bitter woman unfold, I have been glad many times over that I chose to let the angry go. Was it easy? Oh no it was not! Did I whine along the way? Of course I did. But...the results are a good man, husband and father to my kids who are growing, succeeding, and pleasantly strong willed and friends and family that I could never delete. And yes the best is always yet to come. Its all in the choices you make.

  • Black and White? Or Orange.

    More from my path... well actually more of a flashback... I had overheard a coworker telling another of how he and his wife had chosen to raise their son with unyielding strictness in the attempts to raise him right and in accordance with their religion. And was complaining that all their hard work had completely alienated his son from their lives. The recipient of this conversation only replied "in my church, Jesus forgives." That simple response spoke volumes to me as well as giving witness to my belief that my path was crossed by these people to send a message from the cross for me. It's all about love. With a dash of grace. And a whole lot of Nobody gets it right...everyday..all the time. What is right is this..."Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any man hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in, and dine with Him, and he with Me. (Revelation 3:20). It does not say "oh but not you because you do this..." Just get to Jesus and the rest will get sorted out between you and him.

  • Standing Right In Front Of You

    As plain as anything could ever be. Truth is standing right in front of you. Standing there for all eternity. The Way, the Truth, the Life, the Victory. I read where J.C. Ryle said "We must read our Bibles like men digging for hidden treasure." And according to the Bible, it says in James 1:7 "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” More from my path...actually more from the studio and what’s Beyond the Canvas”... A need for paint took me to the store. And there standing in front of me was a clearance cabinet and just like Goldy Locks, it was the right style, the right size and the price was just right too. Nice and thank you Jesus! Wait though there is no door. And with that the the Holy Spirit led me to the wall decor section and right there, like manna from heaven, also on clearance, is a wall hanging that just so happens to be a great fit as the cabinet's door. And the hinges are already on it. Lets take it home Lord! It took a little redesign but then who doesn't? :) And there you go, a Magnolia worthy project. Well now how did that come about? It’s actually quite simple. According to (and proven true many times over by this humble human I might add) Luke 6:38 “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." So here's the deal...the more you give, the more you get. Gift away one large beautiful vintage china hutch to a most beloved and God-chosen person and give the need for a smaller one for ones earthly treasures to God. Tuck the prayer into your heart and leave the details to Him as well. And there you go. Answered prayer in no time at all. Did I fuss at Him about it? Nope. Not this time. Did I rail at Him about it? Nope and the thought makes me flinch and want to put on a tin foil hat. What I did do, is that I learned to just give it over to Him and move on about my business. God is faithful and He cares about every single part of your life. So relax. He's got this. #allgoodthings #hobbylobbywin

  • Can I return them?

    I get it. Not everybody likes everybody. No law. No sin. But when it’s family then ohhh then it stresses out all parties involved. It is easier to ignore than to be polite. But sometimes you need to be polite. But what do you do when polite isn’t enough? Not go. Not participate? And what do you do when "they" hate you more than "they" love their own? The one you have chosen to spend the rest of your life with? Hate really matters. It makes a difference. And none of it is good. It destroys. It destroys your own foundation like ants tunneling under it. It is an illusion. Imagine, if you will, a magician with his hat. At any moment he can produce anything he wishes to sway you or to fool you. None of it is real and no more than a trick of the eye or the slight of hand. Its all in your perspective of what is true. Do not let it make a fool out of you. Do not let it rob you. Keep going. Be polite. Do it anyway. And I as I write this, I recall an instance when one family member actually scraped her nose on the wall to avoid eye contact. Or the drive-by courtesy handshake, which sometimes is a blessing in itself :) I could list another hundred different instances to validate that it is them and not me and they too just might have one or two things that I might have done to validate themselves ;) But in the end... what does it matter? No one wins. Hate causes pain that is not easily forgotten or forgiven. But that too is an illusion. But Jesus. Seek the love. Yes they said stuff. Yes they did stuff. Yes they hurt you. Go anyway and Jesus will go with you. You will see the truth that "birds of a feather flock together". But keep looking. Allow yourself to see those who are the real treasure and be blessed by those who adorn your life with goodness and kindness. See those that love and are loving. Be grateful for the mercy that those who do not belong in your life will find themselves busy with others. It IS hard! I get it! This my struggle as well. What should be happy family encounters is mostly met with dread and despair. I wrestle with this over and over again until I finally concede, over and over again, and give it over to Jesus. And then there I was, minding my own business and enjoying my sleep when I dreamed that the alarm system went off in our home. A most obnoxious noise. I saw myself trying to turn on the hallway lights but they flickered and stayed dark as my dearest husband entered the basement and yells at someone “what are you doing here?? How did you get in??” And there stood two people covered in ants. Ewww! And at that point, and thankfully, I awoke. My first thought was "how could this be? This home and property is blessed?" I went downstairs later and prayed in the Spirit and began to twirl and praise Jesus. I felt a vortex of good and Godly love radiating the room. Yay! Then the next morning I awoke to loud audio booming from the television in that very room which is odd as no one had been watching it for quite a few days. As I shut it off I noticed the time was 6:33. And then God showed me this... Luke 6:32 “If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them. 33 And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do that. 34 And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, expecting to be repaid in full. 35 But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. 36 Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. And I says to my precious Lord and Savior “them? Noooo! anybody else please!" He says “them.” Alrighty then Lord. Lights are on. And I am home. PS... people can know the Ten Commandments and serve the Lord for years and years... yet they trip up on this one. What is there worth hating so much that it will keep you from heaven? Nothing! You are allowed to enter because of Gods grace and that His only son, who lived and died for us, was accepted by you into your heart and your life. What it will do however... is add and lengthen your lessons here.

  • What do you do when you've lost your happiness?

    You wait. Knowing it is not lethal or contagious. And while you wait practice staying away from things that reflect back to you and instead look outward. Notice stuff. Notice the scenarios that play out in others. Take a second look at those people who stand behind the counters or on the street corners holding their signs. Stop and notice kids playing. Listen to the sounds around you. Shut your eyes when you eat ice cream. Bury your face in a whole bouquet of flowers and inhale. Do a crossword puzzle and give your brain a break. All these things feed your soul. Why? How? Because there is a great big good world out there that hums right along and welcomes your observations as well as your participation. And sooner or later contentment aligns itself in your habits. In contentment happiness reigns supreme. A cape couldn't hurt... 🎶For everything there is a season… turn turn turn🎶

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Art! On the Outskirts is the new project of entreating mountains via 

art on and beyond the canvas, exploring how faith, nature, and creativity intersect.

This project is a journey of discovering the depths of faith with art as a tool to sustain healing in my life.

I may not walk on water as Jesus did, but I am staying afloat through life lessons.

Go Back! this is THE END of my blog! 

If the world was flat, you would  now fall off here :)

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