The Bible says that “Too many worries lead to nightmares, and a fool is known from talking too much” from Ecclesiastes 5:3 what is interesting is that these two scenarios are combined in the same verse.
I dreamed of my little sister last night. How unexpected! I had just been talking about her this past weekend about our fun shenanigans growing up and how grief is forever.
She came to me in a dream looking bright, just as tall, just as beautiful, and quite fit and with a message that I would feel better if I lost weight. True enough and I marveled at her caring.
Was it caring? No. It was a trap.
The message… while true enough but a fairly generic one to send to a menopausal woman. Insert eye roll here. Unexpected though? I think not. I had opened a door with my words. Evil was listening and now betting my grief against believing the word in Hebrews 9:27, ““Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment,”
When I awoke I was filled with sadness as her passing was now relived again and that the evil one thinks me so slow witted that I could be duped in my now weakened state as it attempted to dredge up the grief from its safe place to where I could be manipulated.
But even weakened, I know from many conversations and experiences with God… God will not use the dead to relay his message. He is a God of life.
This was not a Holy Spirit encounter either as the Counselor is all about - and only about - pointing all attention to Jesus.
The message directed my thoughts to myself. What it didn’t bet on is that I am so over me.
Your blog reminds me that being "over myself" must be a daily necessity. And, guarding my words will make a difference whether a door is opened to the enemy. At 73, I can not become weary of fighting the good fight! The battles come at us from many directions, and I must remain alert to the tactics used to attack me. This morning, I choose to be "over me", and the next day, too!