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this is who I am

Denise R Dahlheimer

I have been on a long journey with this woman...

She has been broken and failed by others.

She has been treated disrespectfully.

She has been left to fend for herself and always finds God.

She doesn’t cheapen her spirituality with alternatives or fakes.

She stands firm on Gods Word while she fights battles only He knows of for she learned repeatedly that He never fails.

She sees the glory of God and wants others to see it as well.

This woman made bad decisions but God redeemed her. For that, she is fiercely loyal to Him.

She is all too human in her interactions as a wife, a daughter, a sister and as a friend but she never took the low road.

She trusted and believed in those who failed her.

She listens intently but is rarely heard.

She has a smart mouth, a stubborn streak and she uses her scars like the rungs in the ladder climbing closer to God.

Some people love this woman, some like her, and some don't care for her at all... and she’s okay with that for she trusts the path she is on.

She is who she is. Even if. No matter what. For she has your interest at heart.

She understands any good she was involved with in her life was by the grace of God.

She has her issues as a human yet never blamed another for them. She owns her flaws.

She used to survive. And then she met Jesus and embraced His methods to thrive. She excels at it.

By the grace of God she is unstoppable in her desire for learning, growing and moving forward and encourages others to keep up. She looked how to better herself in every mistake, failure, trial, disappointment, betrayal, success, joy, and achievement that came her way.

She is the epitome of God is good. Even if. No matter what. 🌹

She is me ... and I love her and her life!

Thank you to those who embrace my path and walk it with me for you are a blessing.

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So stupid! Many forget that if I can see angels that accompany them I can surely see demons that do as well 🤢


Elijah, the Prophet suffered immensely from “caretakers syndrome” to the point where God said, “Go to bed, rest, and eat a sandwich!”


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Art! On the Outskirts is the new project of entreating mountains via 

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Go Back! this is THE END of my blog! 

If the world was flat, you would  now fall off here :)

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