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Thinking caps mess up your hair.

Denise R Dahlheimer

There have been lots and lots of clips and political videos being bandied about.

Ask questions. Get answers. How does what "they" say line up with...

The TRUTH. It steps eagerly forward and presents itself. One subject. One answer.

The products. Fewer ingredients are best. Like the God diet. If God made it, the odds are in your favor over human-made. The human diet. The more human touched it, the more likely it is not good for you or will cost you extra. More ingredients make more money. (I.e., cell phones. Could have been made as a stand-alone indestructible item, but then the new industry of cell phone paraphernalia would be non-existent, and somebody would be out billions.

The politics. Who will be the one to speak for your voice? Whoever... Whomever... you choose, make an intelligent decision. You will answer to God for your choice. Oh yes you will! Is your candidate worth your immortal soul?

Like health. For years, it was plenty of fresh air, good God food and exercise with a dose of rest, and Vitamin C from orange juice, but now it appears that humanmade has messed around with the chemical structure of simple orange juice and tainted it, and lots of water but now you need to be careful on that too as humans also messed with it as well. ). Z- packs, antibiotics, vaccines, prevent prevent prevent. Big money, massive money is made in preventing illness. And human hands are all over it. Look at cigarettes. They used to be simple tobacco and rolling papers and fairly organic. Then someone had an idea of adding filters out of the new fiberglass and growing more, better, and faster by adding in chemicals to birth a whole new industry which in turn created another new industry for treating the body for the damages done.

Like politics. The emotional and irrational thinking is to vote for this one because you hate, dislike, cannot agree with, and have no respect for the other one. Keep in mind that we will each answer to God for our choice.

Weave through the emotionally clinging egos. They Evade. Blame. Defend. Is there enough of the truth to get you to begin to listen? Keep in mind what you hear, you cannot unhear and attaches to your reasoning.

Think about it🔥 Pray on it.


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Art! On the Outskirts is the new project of entreating mountains via 

art on and beyond the canvas, exploring how faith, nature, and creativity intersect.

This project is a journey of discovering the depths of faith with art as a tool to sustain healing in my life.

I may not walk on water as Jesus did, but I am staying afloat through life lessons.

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