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surving the age of rage

Denise R Dahlheimer

The awareness of “an age of rage…where there are those who “knowingly created conditions for extremist views and, yes, extremist actions” (J. Turley) is being thrown onto my path on a daily basis.

So who are “those” who do this? I don’t think I know any extremists. Most I know are “middle of the roads” like me. I don’t hate anyone. I wish no harm upon others. I try to live by the Golden Rule, and that as for me and mine, we serve the Lord hoping that they will know we are Christians by our love.

And then I saw a clip, a reel, a tiktok sort of thing yesterday that showed me a demon speaking through a rather ordinary, average, nice gal in her early twenties. It was furious that the assassin failed. FURIOUS!! How it latched on to her is unknown to me but latch on it surely did.

To be latched upon results in dabbling with the dark side warned about in the bible. Upon? Yes. For a daily practicing of the bible, immersed in the ways of the Lamb, baptized in the fire of the Holy Spirit, forgiven and forgiving child of God? Yes, only upon. And upon is still pretty ugly.

But in? Available to everyone else.

What? Why? How? The Holy Spirit will not dwell with the foul making it a pretty big deal “on whom you serve.”

Can we have our opinions? Yes! That freedom is still available in the USA. But opinions salted with hate, or malice, or offense? Nope, not even irritation for evil lurks for any opening.

Can they have theirs? Yes! What if we don’t like it? Choices are available… stay neutral and agree to disagree, or walk away but leave them with a blessing, or enhance our own selves by looking within as to why their opinion tripped an opening for evil to gain access to us.

Any of these choices are chances to address our reactions as convictions by the Holy Spirit to bring us up to His level.

Go for it!


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Art! On the Outskirts is the new project of entreating mountains via 

art on and beyond the canvas, exploring how faith, nature, and creativity intersect.

This project is a journey of discovering the depths of faith with art as a tool to sustain healing in my life.

I may not walk on water as Jesus did, but I am staying afloat through life lessons.

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