This popped up for today.
Praying in the Spirit is a directive from the Word of God. Romans 8:26 also teaches us, “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.”
Unlike the Praying in Tongues, a gift (not all receive) of The Holy Spirit, praying in the Spirit, a fruit ( all should manifest in varying degrees as we travel up the path) comes from being secure in your position as an heir of God.
For instance… “Jesus take this, fix this, do what you need to do and step me back out of the way. I trust you. Let your will be done, not mine. Into your hands I commit my life. In your name, Amen”
I have found when I go all in, things happen.
I have also found that I am often the cause of the holding pattern when it appears nothing is happening and when it seems God is silent.
Because God is the epitome of gentlemanly, He remains quiet when I take over the conversation.
Quite often, I taught my prayer clients the gentleness of God. He will patiently wait until we are open and receptive to Him and His provisions!
Women who have been abused assume that God is going to push, or shame, and overpower us. But, when we discover His gentleness, our relationship grows in leaps and bounds. I've also discovered He is quiet when I've sinned in my anger. And, as soon as I repent, He knows that I'm open to hear what He has to say! Still time before God is such an intimate experience! Those still times are so precious!