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It's a Butte!

Denise R Dahlheimer

My third painting back in the art studio wit Jesus is called Promise and stemmed from a vision I was given to prepare me to leave my long time designing career, There was a Mesa, a natural formation appearing as a table top, with a stream running from it causing a divide with Sheep in the right. Goats on the left. In line with the nations gathering before Him as shown by the covenant of the rainbow pouring out from Hand of God as He separates them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats. And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left” from Matthew 25:31-33. ... Those on the right hand, represented as sheep, are the saved. Those on the left were shortsighted.

Little did I know as I painted this mesa that He would be preparing me over the next couple of years to go to a larger version of a mesa, a butte called Devils Tower which is a monument in Wyoming, proclaimed by President Theodore Roosevelt on September 24, 1906 and the surrounding land to pray earnestly for this place and the people who lived here then, now and in the future for four months in 2019 and again for another four months in 2020.

The Lakota called this big high rock Mato Tipila and they went there often to worship. The Kiowa call this rock "Tso-aa", a tree rock, possibly because it grew tall like a tree. During a celebration in 1932 on the Crow Agency in Montana, Max Big Man was questioned about the Tower. He explained: "The Indians called the Devils Tower "Bear's Tipi" or "Bear Lodge," because so many bears lived there. They believed it was put there by the Great Spirit for a special reason, because it was different from the other rocks, rising high up in the air, instead of being on the ground. For this reason it was looked upon as a holy place, and the Indians went there to worship and fast." The Cheyennes call it "Bear Lodge." The Arapahoes called this big, high rock "Bear's Tipi."

The Lord was showing me that healing as well as shelter from the storm was needed atop the Devils Tower per His promise in Romans 8:28 to make something good out of the storms that bring devastation to your life. And from this came the third painting, Promise In 2017. He was starting me off with thinking smaller

We were stationed in Spearfish South Dakota where Duane went to work and I painted in the RV communing with the Holy Spirit and praying for the land and its people. I was urged by the Holy Spirit to actually go to the monument and to walk it and pray over it for healing and forgiveness. Well guess who else got wind of my task? Yep! The interferer himself, the devil. Every time we had the time off to make the short trek to see it the weather would turn most foul. It was starting to look like we had arrived in the hail and snow capital of the world but we were reassured by the locals it was only a runner up.

Spearfish South Dakota May 22, 2019

After four months of this, we finally had blue skies on the day off and made the trip only to see NOTHING when we got there! That's right! The outdoor monument that raises up near a mile high was fogged over. With the visual aid obscured we prayed and left.

Devil Tower Monument Wyoming 2020

We were sent back to the area again the following year and this time we stayed in the beautiful Sturgis area. And just as the year before I spent each day praying for the land and its people. My heart was empathetic to the atrocities that have happened to the Indigenous People in the name of our common God out of sheer and ignorance. I prayed God's blessing upon blessing upon what was, what is and what will be.

We knew the time was coming that we would be returning home and we prayed for divine grace to fulfill our task for God. To give it all the grand finale of this stay. And we finally arrived! to the Tower on a spectacularly beautiful day. We hiked the perimeter of the tower, observed the many prayer cloths tied to the trees and asked Gods blessings upon them. We came to a park bench and sat and prayed in tongues as we overlooked the majestic vista of the surrounding area. I claimed it all for the glory of God and asked for His mercy upon those who touched it. It was a good day for a good day to be of service to Jesus for His children.

The land is an expression of the Creator’s love for mankind. Geronimo, an Apache chief, commented: “I was warmed by the sun, rocked by the winds and sheltered by the trees as other Indian babes. . . . I can go everywhere with a good feeling.” The Creator will keep his promises because he loves the people of every tribe and nation. The Bible says: “Jehovah is good; his loving-kindness is to time indefinite, and his faithfulness to generation after generation.”—Psalm 100:5 "For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations."

Thank you Jesus for letting me get to to do this wondrous thing. I look forward to seeing them on the other side.


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Art! On the Outskirts is the new project of entreating mountains via 

art on and beyond the canvas, exploring how faith, nature, and creativity intersect.

This project is a journey of discovering the depths of faith with art as a tool to sustain healing in my life.

I may not walk on water as Jesus did, but I am staying afloat through life lessons.

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