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Is the future really ours to see?

Denise R Dahlheimer

More from my path... is it okay to ask for prophetic words? I was taught it will be according to God’s will. Yes Lord but...

I created this painting called Que Sera Sera quite a while ago. Not really fond of it but hey! I am not going to step out and critique what the Holy Spirit wants me to put on canvas. And the lesson in it for me finally has revealed itself. Sometimes glimpses are given to us but no one on this side of heaven gets to see the whole picture as shown here with the shade partially pulled giving a peek and as for the cards? Cast them to the wind as "The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the LORD," Prov. 16:33

So just what do you do and what do you think when good people offer to pray for you and take your name to the Lord and then tell you what the Lord shows us to tell you”? Hmmm... Who is legit and whom shall you quit? Well... that’s not too hard to figure out. Thankfully!

Isaiah 8:19 So why are you trying to find out the future by consulting witches and mediums? Don’t listen to their whisperings and mutterings. Can the living find out the future from the dead? Why not ask your God?

I ask! I ask God about everything. I find the best part of a lesson is looking back on it and with a smile and some satisfaction and knowing I am one step closer to Christ.

According to Wikipedia, “Prophetic passages appear widely distributed throughout Biblical narrative. Some prophecies in the Bible are conditional, with the conditions either implicitly assumed or explicitly stated. Some prophetic passages present themselves as direct statements from God, while other statements are expressed as the privileged perspective of the biblical author considered to be a prophecy. “

To receive a prophecy, common sense reigns supreme. Do you know them? Do you trust them? Do they say that Jesus is their Lord? What you want here is a yes yes and a yes. And this was validated by my favorite Brother Paul.

And because I was on a quest for the truth, I took this a step farther and queried one of my favorite Pastor’s, as God has appointed him to be in the line up of my coverings, and as expected, his response was filled with kindness, compassion, knowledge and discernment.

“Stay close to the Lord, in deep intimacy so much that what you receive from others are more of confirmations than information. Load your heart with scriptures, toil in the word so you receive the pop ups of the Spirit in affirmations, cautions or disapproval of what others share. Your greatest resource is the Holy Spirit living in your heart. Your greatest engagement is to keep the temperature of your heart at a fervency that will keep you ever in fellowship with Him. If you have an overbearing urge to add your name don't if you have a peaceful calm to add your name it can be fine. Do a final check on the content of their vision message ministry, testimony and if you have peace alignment and agreement then you can. Generally I will advise you to study people much. Don't add until you are sure you should.

When others share a revelation in love you should show gratitude for their labour of love and always indicate in all integrity that you will pray about what they shared. Its in your discretion to respond further based on how you judged the word they shared.“ Pastor A. Amana.


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Art! On the Outskirts is the new project of entreating mountains via 

art on and beyond the canvas, exploring how faith, nature, and creativity intersect.

This project is a journey of discovering the depths of faith with art as a tool to sustain healing in my life.

I may not walk on water as Jesus did, but I am staying afloat through life lessons.

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